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Download Corrections

The daily corrections solutions.

The orbits, clocks and biases generated in real-time by the Real Time Service are consolidated on a daily basis in sp3, clk, bia and obx files, a few minutes after midnight UTC. These files can be particularly useful for users who want to test their PPP software in post-processing, but in real-time conditions. Bia files contain elementary biases to be added to each observable (pseudo-range and phase) to allow direct ambiguity resolution on widelane and narrowlane combinations. ORBEX files (obx) contain the attitude quaternions of the satellites, standardization of this format is on-going (proposal).

The Real Time streams are available through the CNES mountpoints SSRA00CNE0 (old CLK93) and SSRC00CNE0 (old CLK90) of the REGINA Caster. The following table describes the various parameters and corrections available on the CNES streams:


ConstellationNatureRTCM MessageOccurrence (sec)
GPScode biases10595
GPSphase biases
(L1, L2, L5)
Glonasscode biases10655
Galileocode biases12425
Galileophase biases
(E1, E5a, E5b, E6)
Beidoucode biases12605
Beidouphase biases
(B1, B2, B3)
 Ionosphere VTEC126460


 For downloading :

1) Search criteria :

Select the search mode, either during GPS week in "GPS week + day number" format (e.g. 21510 which corresponds to GPS week 2151 and day 0 of the week,  that being Sunday), or by date by selecting the calendar in mm/dd/yyyy format. The maximum period for research is 70 days.

2) Selecting the file type :

Select the type of file to download. A multiple choice of file type is possible by performing a ctrl + click on the desired file types. Click on the "Download" button and confirm the download. The size of the archive should not exceed 800MB.

Search criteria

Available files

GPS Links
Week Day Clock Corrections Orbit Corrections Code and Phase Corrections Satellites Attitudes quaternions
2354 6 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
5 cnt23545.clk.gz cnt23545.sp3.gz cnt23545.bia.gz cnt23545.obx.gz
4 cnt23544.clk.gz cnt23544.sp3.gz cnt23544.bia.gz cnt23544.obx.gz
3 cnt23543.clk.gz cnt23543.sp3.gz cnt23543.bia.gz cnt23543.obx.gz
2 cnt23542.clk.gz cnt23542.sp3.gz cnt23542.bia.gz cnt23542.obx.gz
1 cnt23541.clk.gz cnt23541.sp3.gz cnt23541.bia.gz cnt23541.obx.gz
0 cnt23540.clk.gz cnt23540.sp3.gz cnt23540.bia.gz cnt23540.obx.gz
Some files are missing
