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Toulouse TLSE
Station : TLSE
Acronym : | TLSE |
Name : | Toulouse TLSE |
Approximate geographic position : | Latitude (°) : 43.56069 Longitude (°) : 1.48087 Elevation (m) : 207.20 Localisation : France |
Host organisation : | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales |
Domes number : | 10003M009 |
Brand : | TRIMBLE |
Model : | ALLOY |
Firmware : | Version : 6.21 Installation date : 2023-11-29 |
Antenna : | Serial number : 5129354206 Type : TRM59800.00 NONE Height (m) : 1.0530 |
Constellation(s) : | |
Other network participation : | |
Sampling | 15MN_1S | 1H_1S | 1H_30S | 1D_1S | 1D_30S |
RAW | |||||
RINEX2.11 | |||||
RINEX3.02 | |||||
RINEX3.03 | |||||
RINEX3.04 | |||||
Delayed Time Statistics
How to zoom ? Charts are composed of an overview very useful to make horizontal zoom. Click on the overview, maintain the click and drag the mouse to the left or right side.
In order to make a fully zoom out, click on the overview from the leftest point, maintain the click and drag until the rightest point.
You can also make a zoom action directly on the chart.
In order to make a fully zoom out, click on the overview from the leftest point, maintain the click and drag until the rightest point.
You can also make a zoom action directly on the chart.
Observed/predicted number of observations(over one sliding year) | Delayed Time latency(over one sliding week) |
This percentage corresponds to the ratio number of complete observations with respect to the number of predicted observations for a fixed elevation cut off angle of 3°. It is computed from Rinex3 Daily/30s Anubis quality files for GPS, GLO, GAL, BDS and QZS (when available) constellations since 2020-11-17, and from Rinex2 Daily/30s files for GPS, GLO, GAL, SBAS constellations before this date. | Latencies based on the provision of the Rinex 3.02, 3.03 and 3.04 data every fifteen minutes |
No data available. Day of the year (Day 1 to 365) | No data available. Day of the year (Day J-6 to J-1) |