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FTNA : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 2021-04-30 15:30 UTC to 2021-05-22 06:00 UTC due to a network problem. Missing data have been released.

DYNG : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 2020-12-10 08:30 UT to 2021-05-14 15:15 UTC following a network problem which required a change of ISP. Data are lost between 2020-12-10 08:30 UT and 2021-02-01 00:00 UTC. The other data have been released.

MAYG : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 2021-04-13 18:30 UTC to 2021-05-05 05:00 UTC due to a network problem. Missing data have been released.

HAO2 : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 02/28/21 01:45 UT to 03/08/21 19:15 UT due to a thunderstorm causing the antenna splitter to fail. Missing data are lost.

RGDG : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 2021/02/22 21:15 UTC to 2021-02-26 10:15 UTC due to a network problem. Missing data have been released.

MAYG : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 2021-02-07 01:30 UTC to 2021-02-22 08:15 UTC due to a network problem. Missing data have been released.

HARB : Back online

Due to an outage, antenna cable has been changed for HARB station (South Africa) on 2021-01-22. Site log is available on this page.

Antenna has been temporarily disassembled during tests and put back in place.

MAYG : Station is back online

The station was unavailable from 2021-01-10 00:00 UTC to 2021-01-13 10:00 UTC due to a network problem. Missing data have been released.

KITG : Electrical problems and data loss from 2020-12-10 to 2020-12-12

Data have been lost from 2020-12-10 00:30 UTC to 2020-12-12 08:00 UTC due to a power failure in station. Electrical problems are still observed.

HARB : Station is back on line

The station was unavailable from 2020-11-21 16:00 UTC to 2020-11-24 13:15 UTC due to severe thunderstorms resulting on loss of signal acquisition. Data has been lost for the following period :  2020-11-21 16:00 UTC to 2020-11-24 13:15 UTC.
