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Septentrio receivers : information about RTCM RT flows

Due to an anomaly in firmware v5.5.0, the RTCM 1041 package (IRNSS Satellite Ephemeris Data) could not be activated in the RT RTCM streams of receivers in visibility of the IRNSS constellation (DJIG, DYNG, GAMG, HARB, KIRG, KITG, METG, NKLG, NRMG, PTGG, SEYG, TLSG).

Septentrio receivers : Firmware upgrade

The firmware of Septentrio PolarRx5 and PolaRx5TR receivers has been updated in version 5.5.0 for stations AREG, DJIG, DYNG, GAMG, HARB, KIRG, KITG, KOUG, METG, NKLG, NRMG, PTGG, SEYG, STJ3, THTG, TLSG and YEL2. The new sitelog of each station is available on this page, and by selecting the desired station.

Firmware upgrade on Septentrio receivers

The firmware of Septentrio PolaRx5 and PolaRx5TR receivers has been upgraded on 2021-01-26 in 5.4.0 version for AREG, GAMG, KIRG, KITG, KOUG, METG, NKLG, NRMG, SEYG, STJ3, TLSG, THTG and YEL2 stations. Beidou B2B tracking is now activated on this stations.