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Septentrio receivers : Firmware upgrade

The firmware of Septentrio PolarRx5 and PolaRx5TR receivers has been updated in version 5.5.0 for stations AREG, DJIG, DYNG, GAMG, HARB, KIRG, KITG, KOUG, METG, NKLG, NRMG, PTGG, SEYG, STJ3, THTG, TLSG and YEL2. The new sitelog of each station is available on this page, and by selecting the desired station.

DJIG : firmware update

The firmware of the PolaRx5 Septentrio receiver has been updated the 2021-02-09 in version 5.4.0. The new sitelog is available on this page.

DJIG : Ongoing network disruptions

Many network disruptions are encountered daily (DT data recovery delays and TR data loss) due to on-site network issue.

DJIG : Ongoing network disruptions

Many network disruptions have been encountered since July 2020. Despite the delays, differed time data are reprocessed regularly. However, data were partially lost between 2020-08-01 and 2020-08-11.

DJIG : Firmware update

Septentrio PolaRx5 receiver firmware has been updated  in 5.3.2 version on 2020-02-26.

The new sitelog is available on this page.